Running from a buffalo while bush camping at the Okavango Delta – Explore Southern Africa – Day 04

Travel journal - Explore Southern Africa day 4, Okavango Delta, Botswana | #Africa #Safari #Botswana #Cows #Okavango #OkavangoDelta | The Solivagant Soul

Initially, I was quite excited (and a bit scared) about the fourth day of the tour: we were going bush camping at the Okavango Delta! Unfortunately, the day started terribly. A bad start As you remember from previous days, I was sharing tent and seats in the bus with Sh. Well, turns out Sh could not sleep past 3am because she napped for five hours the previous day in the truck. Because of that, she decided to start repacking all her things at that time. That included screening the tent with her torch. And of course, opening and closing half…

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Maun, Botswana: passing pigs by the pool – Explore Southern Africa – Day 03

Visit Maun in Botswana, the best getaway to do a safari along the Okavango Delta | #Botswana #Africa #Safari #Okavango #Wildlife | The Solivagant Soul

The plan for the day was to make it to Maun. In summary, the previous day, we sat. To sum up the day, that was all activity performed during the previous 24h. Nothing else, nothing more. Despite this, I slept like a rock. So well, that I even thought I was back at home a couple of times when I woke up. Without a doubt, it is amazing how good are for your sleep two straight nights of sleep deprivation. First thing we did after waking up was pack everything (in the dark). Then, I actually wished I would have…

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Ostriches and beetles in disguise at Khama Rhino Sanctuary – Explore Southern Africa – Day 02

The best travel journal of my discovery of southern africa with Intrepid Travel. On this second entry, we left Johannesburg, drove for 10h across the border between South Africa and Botswana and we made it to Khama Rhino Sanctuary. Once there, we saw white rhinos, giraffes, oryx, zebras and much more | #safari #solosafari #Africa #travelingsolo #beintrepid #Botswana

So, it was day 2 of the tour. In my opinion, the first real day of the trip, since before that we had only had the presentation. I woke up at 4am, had a fast shower, packed everything in a rush and head downstairs. The truck, that later would be known as the white elephant, was already there waiting for us. We all sat with the people we had shared the room with, in my case, Sh. At 4.30 we were all on board except for one couple of Americans, J and T, which unfortunately were a bit late. Most…

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Travel Journal: Explore Southern Africa by Intrepid Travel. Booking the trip.

When I decided to book the trip to Explore Southern Africa with Intrepid Travel. The process was very smooth and the travel agent who assisted me was very kind. This is the first post of a series of #traveljournal s to describe my experience during this tour, from booking until I made it back home. | The Solivagant Soul | Solo Travel Blog

As a solo traveler, I usually try to organize my own trips. I like the freedom to follow my own pace and visit what is more interesting to me. That, some times does not alignt with the plans that most people would do, but it fits me perfectly. Unfortunately, also because I am a solo traveler. And specifically a female solo traveler. There are some destinations that I still have not dared doing on my own. For this situation, I decided to try, for the first time, an organized trip. I certainly did not want to feel like sheep been…

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