Why Travel Solo ? And why you should consider it

Why travel solo? Should you even consider travel on your own? That is the question I want to answer for you today. Because traveling alone is something wonderful and I hope I can convince you with this post, to try it for yourself

Why travel solo and best tips on how to travel alone | The Solivagant Soul | #SoloTravel #TravelTips #TRavelAlone #TravelLifestyle

The first time traveling solo

Like most people who try traveling solo for the first time, I decided travel on my own because I could not come to an agreement with my friends.

I could take the last couple of weeks of July. They could only leave in August. I wanted to do a cultural trip. They were more interested in partying and sleeping in until late.

I wanted to go see the north of Europe. They wanted to spend all the holidays in the beach…. You see where I am going with this, right?

Back then, I realized that there were only two options in front of me. I was either traveling on my own, or I was going to end up losing holidays and being grumpy on a beach. If that is even possible (I mean, it’s a beach). Anyways, I knew that there was only one real choice and decided to take control of my life and go for it. Worst case scenario, I was only one flight away from home.

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Choosing the destination for your first solo trip

Even though I had not traveled on my own before, the travel bug had been in my from an early age. Before, I had visited exotic destinations along with other more classical ones. From Mallorca to Costa Rica, or from Helsinki to Tunisia. I knew which destinations would be more of a shock and which ones may be easier to navigate on my own. For that reason, I decided to go for an “easy destination” and I started planning my trip through the center of Europe.

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PRO TIP: Travel for the first time to a place that does not intimidate you.

A bit scared, but unwilling to allow that to stop me, I decided to plan a train itinerary through the centre of Europe (Czech Republic, Germany and Switzerland) with an Interrail Global Pass. This type of ticket is one of the easiest and cheapest ways to visit Europe. You only need to write the number of the train you are taking, the origin and the destination. That’s all. You can take as many trains as you want during the period of time selected when buying the ticket. It’s a great resource!

Read more about interrail tickets in this post! — Interrail, the best way to travel through Europe

I’ve always loved history. Because of this, every time I head to a new destination I try to learn about the past of the country/city/town/sight I am about to discover. It allows me to have a more understanding perspective of what you are seeing.

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BEST TIP TO TRAVEL SOLO: Be selfish. Tailor the itinerary to your taste only.

For most people, thinking of the history of Germany consists on thinking, first for the alliances carried on by their royal families centuries ago. Then, for their role in both World Wars. Unfortunately, when people think of this country, they tend to focus on their worst moments only. Being the strange person that I am, I decided that I wanted to travel solo in a different way. That I wanted to focus on the “romantic” part of Germany, and so, I borrowed a German guide on palaces and castles. I got my travel Lonely Planet. And I started planning what became one of the best trips of my life.

Why travel solo and best tips on how to travel alone | The Solivagant Soul | #SoloTravel #TravelTips #TRavelAlone #TravelLifestyle

Be prepared to step out of your comfort zone

If you have asked yourself why travel solo, I am sure you have thought of the worst possible situation you can have when traveling on your own. Depending on your level of drama queenness, you can think that this can be from losing a train to being killed. In my case, it was getting too anxious over everything and do not enjoy my trip.

Want to read more about the best Palaces and Castles across Germany? Read here more about it here!

I was extremely excited when I started my trip. Unfortunately, the first day was just terrible. I had barely slept the previous night (my flight to Prague was leaving Barcelona at 5am). In the capital of the Czech Republic I met the most hostile natives I had ever found (and I have been to Paris multiple times). I even felt in several tourist scams that led me to feel robbed and emotionally exhausted. Then I thought, well, let’s hope this is just because it is the first day. Trust yourself. Tomorrow will be better.

And so I kept on going to my next destination hoping for the best. Let me tell you, it didn’t go any better.

Sailing on your own - Why travel solo and best tips to travel solo - The Solivagant Soul Travel Blog

Tip: Be persistent and give solo travel a real chance

It was mid July, I was in Dresden, my second destination and we were at more than 40ºC. After walking one too many kilometers the previous day, half my body was in pain. And I wasn’t really digging the city. Thankfully, If there’s something that I really am is stubborn. And so, I decided to continue my trip a couple more days. If two days later I was still not enjoying myself, I would go home and give up forever this thing called traveling along.

And then something happened.

That night, while I was sleeping at the hostel, an enormous storm woke me up. I went to the window and enjoyed the electricity on the air and the cool breeze getting in from the street. The rain finally made the temperatures drop to mid-twenties, and the air became breathable again. I went back to bed with a smile painted on my face.

Why travel solo and best tips on how to travel alone | The Solivagant Soul | #SoloTravel #TravelTips #TRavelAlone #TravelLifestyle

Why travel solo? Because it is worth it

Fortunately, the next morning I started to really enjoy the trip. I arrived to Berlin. The weather finally improved. And I started to appreciate the small adventure that I was living. It made me realize the beauty and the privilege behind my discovering Europe on my own. At my own pace. And visiting exactly what I wanted, how I wanted it.

Traveling alone is an adventure at everybody’s hand reach. The beginning will most likely be hard, even if you are a die-hard independent woman like me. But, if you overcome that first bump, it is one of the most enriching experiences you will have in life.

- Why travel solo and best tips to travel solo - The Solivagant Soul Travel Blog

Why should YOU travel alone? Because you will gain more than you will ever give

Travel solo also turns you into someone who can think by yourself. It teaches you how to completely trust your gut, because it will be right in most occasions. It will make you trust yourself more, increasing your self-confidence and, at same time, making you more aware of your surroundings. You will be watching the world from an unadulterated lens. You will truly start to see the place you are visiting. Not from the diluted perspective of someone traveling with more people, but from your own eyes. Eyes that will see more and will learn to appreciate more.

Solo travel can help you become a better version of yourself. It allows you to do the type of tourism you really want to do. You do not need to concede and do things that you do not want to do. You can be as selfish as you want to be. Even if you want to splurge on a fancy dinner or spend a day sunbathing in the beach.

The interactions with the locals will always be more authentic, more realistic, when you travel alone. And they are much more likely to happen: it is way more likely that someone approaches you if you are on your own instead of in a group of three or four.

Be cautious: If you travel solo once, you will get addicted to it

In any case, travel solo is a unique experience that everybody should try at least once in their lifetime. Next time you ask yourself why travel solo, give it a chance. Believe me. You will not regret it.

Why travel solo and best tips on how to travel alone | The Solivagant Soul | #SoloTravel #TravelTips #TRavelAlone #TravelLifestyle
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  1. I have not traveled solo for some time now. When I was in my late teens and early twenties I had no fear. Now that I am quite a bit older I have hesitated a little on longer trips. However I in my heart I am an explorer and you have inspired my to take a leap of faith. A nice one week camping trip is on the cards for May

    • thesolivagantsoul@gmail.com

      There you go! My style of travel has evolved with the years in terms of comodity, now I prefer hotels over hostels and I try to find nicer over extremely cheap accomodations. In any case, if you loved it, you should try it again, you will fall in love with it all over again! Let me know how that camping trip goes!

      • Luis Rivera

        I had nobidea what a hostel was… I like how you deferred staying away from the outdoors and not going the money saving way, I would always hope others to favor another to go big especially one who I wouldn’t say has saved up by not traveling in so long but as the enthusiast who feels another to be deprived by being sheltered at home too long and deserves to splurge on a traveling adventure and so much easier to influence doing so when all the spending is on yourself not like a vacation that is meal time and downtime agenda’s leisurely entertainment but a traveling adventure alone and all about spending to treat you and do you the right way! Those never feel too expensive either way because there are no cash regrets… aside from (sorry to hear about it) you feeling robbed on your first day 8n Europe! I hope the train ticket purchased by time interval saved you a tin of headache worries and gave you relaxing peace during the two days amidst the norm for me an Arizona Native where 70°F is jacket weather. Thank you for the inspiration for me to continue seeking my savings account having a reason to be off limits! TRAVELING NOT DEPARTING is in my future! Debated leaving state till this read. GOD BLESS

  2. Abhinav Singh

    I agree with you. Solo travel makes you a better person. I have traveled slow across India for the past decade. Yes, as you have mentioned I have been a victim of scams as well. But then the pros have been much more than the cons. Also, for a long time I used to run from pillar to post to see it all while traveling. Off late, I prefer slow travel.

    • thesolivagantsoul@gmail.com

      I am learning a lot about travel but I still have know how to take it more slowly. I often think, you won’t come back here so you better go and visit it all! Have you seen a lot of changes in India as a solo traveler over a decade?

  3. Traveling solo certainly does have its perks and everyone really should do it at times just to find out about themselves. I have a girlfriend who travels solo and she claims she gets a “woman-tax” all the time at borders and things like that because she is alone. She says things also cost her more than they would as a couple (which she claims is because she’s a woman) but I’m thinking much of it has to do with solo traveling because I know hotel rooms and places do tend to charge more for a single traveler than a couple. But I’m curious have you experienced any of this in your solo travels? Do you feel that you sometimes pay more because you’re a woman traveling along?

    • thesolivagantsoul@gmail.com

      I have been wanting to write a post about the real cost of traveling solo for a little bit. I agree that in some cases it can be more expensive, specially en relation to accomodation but there are alternatives that can make it cheaper. Often it is possible to find hotels with single rooms at real half price, or some times you have to pay a tiny little extra. Otherwise, you can look at airbnb, or maybe staying at a private in a hostel… it requires a little bit more of research but usually you can avoid them. And at borders…. they can look at you funny, but it is less and less common every time! Tell your friend to keep on going, we will be able to educate the world at some point…!

  4. I agree with you that travelling solo is not always easy but then everything has its own pros and cons. I can relate to the situation where your friends want to party and you want to explore the city. I’ve gone through this situation. I’ve never travelled solo yet, but your post has really inspired me to do so.

  5. That’s usually how it starts! You realize it’s impossible to find same dates and here you go in the plane alone heading to adventure! What better to ask? Travelling alone can be so fun, but indeed has very difficult moments as well. Sad you fell into tourist traps. Hopefully you learn from it to be a better solo traveller, everybody makes mistakes and this will make you a better solo traveller!

  6. I agree that solo travel has its pro’s and cons, mostly I have found it to have it’s pro it’s a way to have great experiences on your terms so you can do what you want when you want and it’s a great opportunity to meet new people as well and it also makes you more alert.

  7. Solo travel is sometimes bliss and sometimes very difficult. As you have taken Interrail pass, it must be somewhat easier for you to travel alone. It is good after sometime you were comfortable in traveling alone and also you interacted with local people.

  8. I travel solo when my fiance cannot accompany me. I actually prefer traveling solo than with friends because my travel style is so different from everyone else. I’m actually traveling to Czech Republic in July so thanks for the train ticket recommendation.

  9. I have to agree with you. I too ended up on starting solo travel cause of taste differences. In the mean time, I managed to find a local group of like minded people and had some awesome trips with that group as well. Yes, solo travel has its own awesome and awful moments, but its a must-do atleast once in lifetime!

  10. It scares me to travel all alone! That’s a great post and nice tips there!

  11. Live this! Traveling solo can be scary but this is great advice.

  12. absolutely agreed, I did enjoy solo travel when I had the chance!!! And really enjoyed the feeling after I did step out from my comfort zone. That was really a self-confidence building practice 😀

  13. My wife is my long-time travel partner – it’s just easy between us as our tastes are so similar, so I’d find it hard to travel solo for too long.

    However, having spent so many years visiting so many places with another, I do really enjoy solo travel when I take the opportunity.

    It’s rarely for more than a few days at a time but I love every minute. Just being me, doing what I want, often doing very little at all but soak up the moment.

  14. This is great! Traveling alone seems so daunting, but this puts it in perspective. It is nice to only be responsible for yourself too.

  15. My first solo trip was a drive from Colorado to Maine and it was the very best trip I have ever taken. So easy to be alone and do as you please.

  16. This post really resonated with me. Before I got married, I traveled solo everywhere. I still travel solo every now and then. Luckily, my husband is an introvert who totally understands haha!

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